Last Updated on 9 February 2025
The following list is a snapshot of society’s current opinions of the 100 best characters from the TV show “Lost.”.
I found 24 different ranked lists online of “best Lost characters” and pulled them all into Excel and merged them all to get this definitive compilation. See my Methodology page for the research process that was used, including links to the 24 lists that were averaged. The ranked list is below and all those links are to the Lostpedia.
- Desmond Hume
- James ‘Sawyer’ Ford
- John Locke
- Benjamin Linus
- Hugo ‘Hurley’ Reyes
- Jack Shephard
- Sayid Jarrah
- Juliet Burke
- Charlie Pace
- Sun-Hwa Kwon
- Mr. Eko
- Jin-Soo Kwon
- Daniel Faraday
- Kate Austen
- Richard Alpert
- Frank Lapidus
- Claire Littleton
- Boone Carlyle
- Miles Straume
- Rose Nadler
- Vincent
- Penny Widmore
- Danielle Rousseau
- Michael Dawson
- Christian Shephard
- Jacob
- Walt Lloyd
- Libby Smith
- Bernard Nadler
- The Man in Black
- Shannon Rutherford
- Ana Lucia Cortez
- Charles Widmore
- Alex Rousseau
- Charlotte Lewis
- Paulo
- Mikhail Bakunin
- Ethan Rom
- Nikki Fernandez
- Anthony Cooper
- Pierre Chang
- Helen Norwood
- Aaron Littleton
- Tom Friendly
- Noor “Nadia” Abed Jaseem
- Eloise Hawking
- Martin Keamy
- Leslie Arzt
- Ilana Verdansky
- Horace Goodspeed
- Goodwin Stanhope
- Matthew Abaddon
- Cassidy Phillips
- George Minkowski
- Kelvin Inman
- Dogen
- Naomi Dorrit
- Roger Linus
- Neil ‘Frogurt’
- Edward Mars
- Karl Martin
- Jae Lee
- Yemi
- Stuart Radzinsky
- David Reyes
- Mr. Kwon
- Cindy Chandler
- Mother
- Lennon
- Seth Norris
- Bram
- Sam Austen
- Carmen Reyes
- Woo-Jung Paik
- Captain Gault
- Ji Yeon Kwon
- Steve Jenkins
- Liam Pace
- Scott Jackson
- Tom Brennan
- Amy Goodspeed
- Danny Pickett
- Phil
- David Shephard
- Sarah Shephard
- Emma and Zach
- Justin
- Aldo
- Colleen Pickett
- Zoe
- Ryan Pryce
- Caesar
- Omar
- Bea Klugh
- Oldham
- Tricia Tanaka
- Grandpa Tito Reyes
- Leonard Simms
- Dave
- Susan Duerden